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Prepare. Grow. Transform. > Computer Training > Programming



  • Advanced Python
  • Fee: $135.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    This Advanced Python training course picks up where our Introduction to Python course leaves off. This course is for students who have taken the introductory course and are ready to leverage their previous experience to learn more or have some experience programming with Python and are ready to take their skills and knowledge to the next level.


  • Advanced Web Pages
  • Fee: $129.00

    If you want to build websites from the ground up, this is the course for you. You'll learn the latest programming languages with step-by-step instructions to help you build easy-to-use, interactive websites that work in any browsing environment.


  • Advanced Web Pages (Self-Guided)
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    If you want to build websites from the ground up, this is the course for you. You'll learn the latest programming languages with step-by-step instructions to help you build easy-to-use, interactive websites that work in any browsing environment.


  • Creating Mobile Apps with HTML5
  • Fee: $129.00

    Discover a better way to build apps that run on just about any smartphone or tablet. This course will demonstrate ways to imagine, design, build, and optimize a cross-platform mobile app using the very latest HTML5 standards.



  • Creating Web Pages
  • Fee: $129.00

    Learn the basics of HTML as you design, create, and post your very own website. This course will help you plan the content, structure, and layout of your website, create neatly formatted text, build links, and add color, graphics, and tables, as well as understand no-cost web marketing strategies and SEO.


  • Creating Web Pages (Self-Guided)
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Learn the basics HTML so you can design, create, and post your very own website. This course will help you plan content, structure and layout of your website, create neatly formatted text, build links, and add color, graphics and tables, as well as understand no-cost web marketing strategies and SEO.


  • Django Training for Python Developers
  • Fee: $455.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Learn to use Django to create an interactive website. This course assumes you have no prior knowledge of Django, but you must have experience with Python. You will learn to work with the messages framework, discover how to allow users to upload files, and make advanced queries. By the end of the course, you will understand how to deploy a Django website to production and customize Django admin.


  • Intermediate SQL
  • Fee: $129.00

    Gain confidence using a wide range of advanced SQL techniques. This course will expand your SQL knowledge and provide skills for writing powerful queries that perform complicated searches and sorts of data.


  • Intermediate SQL (Self-Guided)
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Advance your knowledge of SQL in this flexible self-paced online course. You will learn how to write, design, and test complex SQL queries.



  • Introduction to C# Programming
  • Fee: $129.00

    Learn the fundamentals of computer programming with the C# programming language. This course uses hands-on practice, examples and assignments to develop your knowledge of C# programming by using a state-of-the-art language to build impressive applications on your very own computer.



  • Introduction to C++ Programming
  • Fee: $129.00

    This course will give you hands-on practice as you learn to program with C++. Whether you're completely new to programming or you want to learn a new programming language, this course will teach you the fundamentals of C++.




  • Introduction to CSS3 and HTML5
  • Fee: $129.00

    Create state-of-the-art, modern websites like the pros using CSS3 and HTML5. This course will provide you with the foundation you need to master these two critical and fast-growing new web languages through hands-on training and expert instruction.



  • Introduction to Java Programming
  • Fee: $129.00

    Get comfortable programming with Java while gaining skills from an experienced Java programmer. This course provides you with easy-to-understand examples and plenty of skill-building exercises using the latest version of Java to give you confidence as you learn programming.



  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • Fee: $129.00

    Build on your knowledge of HTML and CCS by adding interactivity to your web pages with JavaScript. This course provides hands-on practice as you start with the basics and move on to more advanced topics to master not just JavaScript but jQuery as well.



  • Introduction to MySQL for PHP Developers
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    In this online course you will learn how to connect MySQL to PHP. You will also learn how to create a MySQL database This MySQL course provides new PHP developers with the prerequisite knowledge necessary to learn to build database-driven websites with PHP and MySQL. This course does not cover PHP, but it prepares you for learning PHP to integrate with MySQL. Although most of the SQL learned in the course is applicable to all major databases, including SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL, it focuses on MySQL.


  • Introduction to PC Troubleshooting (Self-Guided)
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Don't spend your hard-earned cash on PC repairs that you can fix yourself with a little troubleshooting knowledge. This course takes you step-by-step through typical hardware and operating system problems and gives you the skills you need to solve them as you learn to maintain and optimize a Windows PC.


  • Introduction to PHP
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    In this online PHP course, you will learn the basics of PHP, which is still one of the most widely used server-side languages on the web. You will start by learning how PHP works and its basic syntax. You will then learn to create dynamic interactive pages, to work with arrays, to process and validate forms, and to write functions in PHP.


  • Introduction to Programming
  • Fee: $129.00

    Take your first steps toward a career as a computer programmer as you get hands-on practice writing applications containing GUIs, sound, and graphics. This course will provide the skills and confidence you need to program in BASIC and design your own custom applications for home, school, or work.


  • Introduction to Programming (Self-Guided)
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Take your first steps toward a career as a computer programmer as you get hands-on practice writing applications containing GUIs, sound, and graphics. This course will provide the skills and confidence you need to program in BASIC and design your own custom applications for home, school, or work.


  • Introduction to Python 3 Programming
  • Fee: $129.00

    Create foundational programming structures with Python. This course will provide the fundamentals of computer programming in Python 3 with topics that include basic decisions and loops, advanced data structures, object-oriented programming, and graphical user interfaces.



  • Introduction to SQL
  • Fee: $129.00

    Gain a solid working knowledge of the most powerful and widely used database programming language. This course will provide you the skills to write SQL queries to create tables, retrieve data from single or multiple tables, manipulate data in a database, and gather statistics from data stored in a database.


  • Introduction to SQL (Self-Guided)
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Gain a solid working knowledge of the most powerful and widely used database programming language. This course will provide you the skills to write SQL queries to create tables, retrieve data from single or multiple tables, manipulate data in a database, and gather statistics from data stored in a database.


  • Introduction to Visual Basic
  • Fee: $129.00

    Learn how to write Windows applications and programs using the Visual Basic programming language and the Visual Basic development environment. This course will provide the building blocks of programming in Visual Basic, including using variables to store data, control structures, and loops.




  • Introduction to XML
  • Fee: $129.00

    Take the first step toward writing custom programs by learning the essential elements of XML through easy-to-follow real-world examples. Even if you've never tried computer programming, you will discover how quickly you can begin writing custom programs in this course.


  • Introduction to XML (Self-Guided)
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Take the first step toward writing custom programs by learning the essential elements of XML through easy-to-follow real-world examples. Even if you've never tried computer programming, you will discover how quickly you can begin writing custom programs in this course.


  • React Training
  • Fee: $165.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Learn how to use React to create a dynamic web application using functional components and hooks.


  • Sass Training
  • Fee: $129.00
    Times: Self-Paced

    Learn how to use Sass (Syntactically Awesome Style Sheets) to create powerful style sheets quickly and efficiently.




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