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Prepare. Grow. Transform. > Engineering and Technology > Fiber Optics Training

Fiber Optics Training   

UCF Continuing Education in partnership with BDI DataLynk offers Fiber Optics Network Certification Courses. We offer five individual courses that teach the necessary skills to build, test, troubleshoot, install and repair fiber optic networks and prepares the student to take the CFOT (Certified Fiber Optics Technician) exam, the CFOS/T (Certified Fiber Optics Testing & Maintenance Specialist) exam, the CFOS/S (Certified Fiber Optics Splicing Specialist) exam, the CFOS/O (Certified Fiber Optics Outside Plant Cabling Specialist) exam, and the CFOS/H (Certified Fiber Optics Fiber to the Home Specialist) exam. 

All training course exams are given and graded the final day of class. Students will receive a Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of the program. The format of the course involves:

  • Chapter tests

  • Class discussions

  • Hands-on activities and exercises







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